Connex Spin The Wheel
Build your own electrical water wheel and learn about the power of water in motion with this fun circuitry kit. Connect the wires and plug in the batteries to create a water wheel that circulates water in a spinning motion, demonstrating the properties of water power.
The water wheel is a wheel-shaped device that is partially immersed into water to take effect on water or from water. For example, a mill’s water wheel makes use of water flow that propels it to drive the grinder to grind crops. In a similar way, the water wheel can be used to drive a generator to generate electricity. On the other hand, there is an inverse way of water wheel application: providing power to drive the water wheel for a specific purpose. For example, in paddleboats, power is supplied to drive the water wheel for propulsion. There are also water wheels that are used in agriculture as water-lifting devices that deiver water from a lower ground to a higher ground. With this fun science kit, you will see the ever cycling water driven by the water wheel and learn the basic mechanism of how a water wheel works. Requires 1 AA battery (not included).
Recommended for 1 player, ages 8+.
Contents include: Battery Compartment, On/Off Switch, 3 Spring Connectors, Box Base with Holes, Eco-Friendly Reusable Box, Gearbox, 2 Water Wheel Halves, 2 Supportive Pipe Halves, Water Wheel Support, 2 Extend Stands, Box Base Holder, 2 Connecting Bridges, Instructions. Requires 1 AA battery (not included).