Out of Order
Remember the classic movies “Framing Bottles” or “A Tinkle in Mindy”? Who could forget a timeless song like “Mary Be Goat Bank” or “Frog Pearls Don’t Pin”? What? You mean you don’t know these titles? That’s because they’re out of order! Take away a letter here or add a letter there and in 5 steps you’ll arrive at “Blazing Saddles”, “A Wrinkle in Time”, “Baby Got Back” and “Big Girls Don’t Cry”! The final answer is revealed one clue at a time. Be the first to unscramble and identify the out of order title to win!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 10+.
Contents include: 200 Double-Sided Title Cards, 1 Game Console, 1 Wipe-Off Scorecard with Marker, 1 Instructions Sheet