FORE! Golf-opoly is the game for people who’d rather be golfing! OK, so you love golf, but it does eventually get dark. Take a break and play a game that allows you to collect your favorite golf related properties and increase the rent by collecting Pro Shops and trading them in for Clubhouses. It’s all fun and games until lightning strikes and you’re in the Storm Shelter for three turns! Choose your token and advance to Tee It Up! Who knows… you may soon find yourself in the woods… or you may be crowned “Best Golfer in the World”? Whatever happens, remember there are more things in life than golf – but it is possible to ignore them!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, 28 Property Deed Cards, 14 Gimmies Cards, 14 Mulligans Cards, 28 Pro Shops, 12 Clubhouses, 2 Dice, Paper Money, 6 Metal Token Pieces (Golfer, Shoe, Glove, Bag, Club, Cart), Instructions