Farm-opoly is a property tradin’ game for farmers or those who just think farmin’ is cool! It’s life down on the farm where players increase their profits by collecting Acres and trading them in for Big Red Barns. Full of country humor and an occasional fun fact, Farm-opoly is a celebration of an All-American way of life!
Things that might happen while you play: – You may find yourself in a hog waller! – You may find that your cow is nothin’ but the runn’ gears of a katydid! – You may need to stand and call the hogs! – You may find yourself cheanin’ stalls!
It’s all fun and games until you’re sent to Drought and out of the game for three turns. Whatever happens, it’s gonna be like life on the farm – unpredictible, and best with a good dose of humor. Gather family and friends and advance to Grow! Have fun! But remember, while everyone can farm… not everyone is a farmer!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, Property Deed Cards, Question Cards, Dice, Paper Money, Plastic Playing Pieces, Metal Token Pieces (Old Bessie, Work Boot, Cap, Tractor, Corn on the Cob, Prize Hog)