Donkey Game
It’s the game that’s as much fun to lose as it is to win! Donkey It’s a Kick! is an unpredictable card game that will have you saving for 4 of a kind one round and building a barn out of your cards the next. Be the first player to master whatever crazy challenge comes your way and quickly grab a Donkey Puck… but watch out for the Kicker! Nothing is as easy as it sounds. You may be slapping your fellow players with a “High Five” one minute and plotting revenge against them the next. The fun multiplies when players start losing and become Donkeys. Donkeys stay in the game with only one purpose: to get the rest of the players out. Win the game by outwitting your opponents, dodging the Donkeys, and being the last player standing!
Recommended for 3-8 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 7 Donkey Pucks, 54 Playing Cards, 54 Kicker Cards, Score Pad, Instructions