Land of the Free, Home of the Brave! Being American means more than geographical location, more than cities and monuments, more than a place of birth. Being American is essentially about spirit… our All-American Spirit!
America-opoly is a game celebrating the majesty of the USA, from sea to shining sea! It’s full of landmarks, traditions, and some good ol’ American humor. Who knows! You may soon be the proud new owner of the Statue of Liberty… or you may be spending some time in Alcatraz!
Here’s a quick idea of how to play: Buy property, collect Small Towns, trade your Small Towns for Big Cities. It sounds easy enough – but add a traffic jam, property taxes and an IRS audit and it becomes a little more difficult and a lot more fun! Traditional play or one hour version.
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, Property Deed Cards, Question Cards, Dice, Paper Money, Plastic Playing Pieces, Metal Token Pieces (The Dog, High Five, Heart, Big Smile, Pretzel, Gym Shoe)