Harry Potter: Potions Challenge Game
In the Harry Potter Potions Challenge Game, Professor Snape has an assignment for the class: wander the grounds of Hogwarts amassing the ingredients for 1 potion. Once you have all of your ingredients for the potion, make it back to one of the start spaces first to win! But beware, Argus Filch will be roaming the premises, ready to stop you in your tracks.
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 1 Argus Filch Mover, 4 House Movers, 5 Game Mover Stands, 4 Lenticular Wands, 2 Dice, 1 Sticker Sheet, 30 Potion Cards, 1 Ingredients Collection Pad, 1 Gameboard, 1 Instruction Sheet