Intelligent, energetic, charismatic, loyal… meet the Frenchie!
Imagine one adorable face on a little canine body-builder physique mixed with friendliness and a dash of stubbornness. Meet the French Bulldog, a pleasant, easy-care companion, who is playful, affectionate, and absolutely hilarious! Despite the name, the breed originated in England as a smaller or “toy” version of the English Bulldog. The Frenchie’s easygoing temperament makes this dog an ideal family member.
To play Frenchie-opoly, adopt your favorite Frenchies, then collect Dog Toys and trade them in for Big Bones. It’s all tail-wagging fun until you’re sent to the Kennel – then you’re out of the game for three turns! Who knows! You may win first place in obedience class… or you may end up with fleas! Whatever happens… it’s a doggone good time!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, Property Deed Cards, Question Cards, Dice, Paper Money, Plastic Playing Pieces, Metal Token Pieces (Cat, T-Bone Steak, Mail Carrier, Fire Hydrant, Flea, Dog Dish)