Glow in the Dark Lab
It’s glow time! Ever wonder what makes a glowing superball so bouncy? Want to know what fake snow has in common with spaghetti? You’ll never guess! Learn the crazy awesome science behind these questions as you put the glow to the test with 20 different experiments you can do at home. You’ll see a world of invisible colors with the bonus hand-held black light, build your own lava lamp, and create glowing alien blood. Not to mention you’ll even make your own bouncy ball! With the included 24-page illustrated activity book, you’ll be able to take your scientific discoveries to the next level as you learn nine principles of science: fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence, bioluminescence, polymers, non-Newtonian fluids, carbon dioxide reactions, crystal formation, and nucleation.
Experiments require household ingredients not included with this kit. Complete list inside. This set contain chemicals that may be harmful when misused. Read cuations on individual contrainers carefully. Not to be used by children except under adult supervision. Requires 3 AG10 batteries (included).
Recommended for 1 player, ages 8+.
Contents include: 2 Test Tubes & Stand, Beaker, Mixing Bowl, Funnel, Mix-n-Measure Scoop, Handheld UV Light, 4 Glow-Stick Bracelets & Connectors, 3 Creature Molds, Super-Ball Mold, Glow Powder, Flourescent Ink, Super-Bounce Polymer, Polymer Snow, Sticker Sheet, 24-Page Illustrated Activity Book. Requires 3 AG10 batteries (included).