TAG is not a game for sitting down at the table, relaxing, munchin’ on snacks while you play nice… it’s an on-going, suspenseful, real-time, live-action competition full of creative elimination that you play as you live. Each player is assigned an identity, a target, and a method of elimination. Plot to eliminate your target, and then gain a new target (theirs) to continue taking down players one-by-one and be the last one standing to win! Play in real time – it could take a few hours, days, a week, or more! It’s full of suspense, creativity, revenge, and laughter – perfect for college campuses, office environments, family events, and more!
Recommended for 4-10 players, ages 14+.
Contents include: 10 Target Cards, 10 ID Badges, 10 Lanyards, 16 Method Cards, Rules