Pana Po’o
Don’t pana po’o around when playing Pana Po’o because you only have one minute to help other players guess what you’re assembling! Pana Po’o is a Hawaiian word that means to tap or scratch the head unconsciously while thinking or trying to remember something forgotten. Playing the game requires speed and using only an assortment of coloured shapes, the object card you drew, and your brainpower, as you race the one minute timer while players or teams try to guess the object you are struggling to create. This game will definitely make you scratch your head! Will you be able to build a butterfly, scissors, or teacup?
Recommended for 3 or more players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 2 Dice, 70 Cards, Score Pad, Rules, 1-Minute Sand Timer, 84 Shapes in 7 Colors, 1 Pencil