Zombie-opoly Game
The living dead, the undead – whatever you call them – they scare the pants off us! There’s just something unnerving about lumbering corpses that continue to attack after having limbs severed! And do they really want to eat our flesh and BRrrraaaaaiNZZzzz! AAAaaarrrrRgggghhhh!
Zombie-opoly allows players to buy favorite zombies and increase the rent by buying Boxes of Flesh and trading them in for a Screaming Human. It’s all fun and games until someone gets sent to Buried and is under ground and clawing their way to the surface for three turns! Choose your token wisely and shamble to RRRRRRRRR!!! You may soon be re-animated… or you may just be blood spewed and bitten. Whatever happens, this is a game where the fun never dies!
Recommended for 2-6 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: Game Board, Property Deed Cards, Question Cards, Dice, Paper Money, Plastic Playing Pieces, Metal Token Pieces (Human Remnant, Grave Digger, Femur, Severed Ear, Zombie Boy, Lethal Weapon)