Boom, Bang, Gold
Boom, Bang, Gold is an exciting game with plenty of action in which speed and a good eye are important. The person who manages to collect the most nuggets in their gold chest at the end of the day wins the fast-paced hunt for gold. On a turn, everyone throws their dynamite sticks into the gold mine at the same time, then they all search (using only one hand) to remove face-up tiles from the mine and place the tiles on their personal shelf. If you spot a special tile with bat, rat, snake, or ghost, call “Watch out!” so that everyone else must place their hands on their head and call out “Help!” before continuing to play. When no more face-up tiles remain, the round ends. Players can play action tiles to flip over extra tiles, throw an extra piece of dynamite, duel with another player, and more. After twelve rounds, whoever has the most gold wins!
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 7+.
Contents include: 1 Gold Mine Box Base, 4 Characters with Gold Chests, 4 Shelves, 4 Sticks of Dynamite, 1 Pocket Watch, 160 Tiles, Instructions