Free RPG Day! – 7/23/22 – 3:30pm – Mischief at the Festival
Date: 7/23/22
Time: 3:30pm
Cost: Free!
This is your chance to try out D&D for the first time, test out a new class you’ve never tried before, or just play D&D with friends for free! We will be offering two 2-hour adventures that will show you all the fun and excitement roleplaying games have to offer!
The annual Magic and Gold Festival is a city-wide celebration in the town of Thentia, a city on the Moonsea, and you’ve been invited to participate in the revelry! The festival is largely to show the mutual cooperation and power of the independent mages and merchants that have brought so much prosperity to Thentia. Over the course of the next four days citizens and guests of the city feast, shop, watch concerts, play games, and attend panels dedicated to various topics of magical or mercantile interest. It is a festival unlike any other in the entire Moonsea region. While you are there to enjoy yourselves, you also know that with so many people and so much magic gathered together, trouble will inevitably rear its ugly head. Even at a festival like this, there are still plenty of jobs for the hardworking adventurer!
This is an adventure for 2nd-level characters. If you want to make your own character beforehand, any published Wizards of the Coast 5e character options are fine; Point Buy or Standard Array is preferred for ability score generation. There will also be pre-made characters available if you would like to just come and play! If you play in the first adventure, you can level your character up for this adventure!
DM Eugene will lead you on this adventure. Email him at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or concerns before we begin!
DM Eugene will lead you on this adventure. Email him at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or concerns before we begin!